Our Location in Dundas

Book Your Next Eye Care Appointment

We’re happy to offer convenient online booking for your regular eye exam. For specific concerns or emergency eye care, please call us directly at 905-628-5866. 

If you’re a patient 65 years and older, please call, email or use our Patient Request for Eye Exam form. We are unable to offer online booking to these patients, as we must first determine your OHIP eligibility (12 months or 18 months).

To help us provide the best personalized service to each patient, we have a strict no-show policy for online booking. If you need to cancel your booking, please do so more than 24 hours before your appointment. If you do not cancel with 24 hours notice, we must charge a $80 no-show fee.

Come Visit Us

There’s ample parking at the back of our new, modern office that can be accessed from King St.

Our Address

  • 160 King St W, Lower Level
  • Dundas, ON L9H 1V4

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

Book an Appointment


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